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You will not find one for free. People keep these handy tables after they are no longer needed by their ill loved one.

Do research on auction houses and discount durable medical equipment. I found one at an auction house for 30 bucks, it would not go up and down so we set it for the level my dad wanted and it was perfect for his needs.

Look at the sites given below for a used one that is being sold at a discount.
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Reply to Isthisrealyreal

I've tried ALL FREE website non and I am looking for 1 for free i am unale to afford paying for 1 and thanks for all the reponses.
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Reply to candie652000

FaceBook Marketplace
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Reply to Geaton777

Thrift shop.
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Reply to Fawnby

Hmmmmm. Tell me what you are after here.
Are you speaking of a Hospital style bedside table with drawer on top and cabinet below that is a bit taller than your average and often with a metal composition?
Or are you speaking of an over the bed tray table that can be beside the bed, and then placed OVER the bed with food, computer, whatever on it?

I am thinking that medical supply catalog, online or store and perhaps even Ikea or Amazon would work for BOTH and price range starts at about 50.00.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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