
My parents are 85 and 87 years old respectively. They are physically okay but unable to live alone and are terribly stressed after the hurricane.

They visited one place but found the rooms too small.

Now my mother is totally stressed, not sleeping and on the edge of a burnout.

I would love to help but I myself live in The Netherlands and am chronically ill. My nephew and brother-in-law have been trying to help them but they work fulltime.

Is there an organization who can walk my parents through this and discuss all the financial aspects and basically take this out of their hands?

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Lilliput gave your excellent advice. You could also go online to and and type in your the AFL Zip code. This will give you a contact person who perhaps can guide you to local services that can help your mom. Good luck,
Helpful Answer (1)

There are senior care management companies, who can help with the process. Of course, you need to pay them and it isn't inexpensive. You can also go online and look at ALFs in their area, narrow it down to a few, and have your family members look at them (nothing replaces an in-person visit). Then they can take your Mom and Dad to visit.
I would also make up a list of questions about what the facility offers in terms of care. Some are all inclusive others are "ala carte." Then get it in writing.
I would avoid those that charge a large "up front" or a "buy in" fee that is non-refundable.
good luck
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Hi Sdok33,

There is a great article written by an Editor that was already posted in our community. We thought this might answer your caregiving question.

Choosing Housing Based on Your Parent's Care Needs

We hope this helps. Please let us know if you need anything else and we look forward to seeing more questions and discussions from you.

Thank you,
Karie H.
The Team
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