Parent broke leg in the fall. Had surgery and then two stints in transitional care for PT. Since November has had three UTI infections. Now exhibiting increasingly hostile behavior.
As sole caregiver, it’s really hard to hear all the constant mean comments. I have to follow through with instructions from her Dr, Home Care nurse, and therapists. She doesn’t like to do what they say she needs to, like wear wraps on her legs to minimize lymphedema, elevate legs, use a gait belt, and have assistance when walking with walker, etc., and then is angry with me about it.
Really hard to deal with the verbal abuse. Hoping things improve once UTI is healed.
I will admit that I am fairly relieved that he was in a facility where they gave him very good care for whatever may have ailed him at any moment. Those aids and nurses are a very special breed of human being. Their knowledge and experience are a God given gift. And I must include the staff of the hospital too.
Please, I implore you to place your mother where she will receive the attention and care and dignity she will need as she progresses in her decline (and she is declining). The horror stories of nursing homes has not been my experience at all and I am positive that those stories apply to only the few (bc they are the ones who get the attention, you don't see 'good' nursing homes in the news).
I am still worried about my dad, but comforted that the people I have entrusted his care in are, in fact, taking "care" of him.
It’s commonly used for delirium, anxiety and depression in elderly. It’s faster acting than other antidepressants. Ask her Dr.
Next, get a referral to a psychiatrist. She needs medications to help calm her down a bit so she will be more compliant with her therapies and care. The goal is to help her to become more mobile.
When she says mean things have a plan of action for how you will react. Read any of the boundary books by Townsend and Cloud. They outline a really good method for devising a plan to deal with problem behavior(s). If need be, spend time with a counsellor while you develop and implement your plan.
time to speak to her doctor about what options are available to you