My 86 year-old Mother sleeps a lot. She usually wakes at 12 midnite and stays awake until 11am-12pm.
At Midnight - Sometimes I have a full meal of leftovers warmed up for her. If I go to sleep before she wakes, I leave her a hot cheese sandwich, or two hot dogs, applesauce and usually 1/2 a peanut butter sandwich.
Midmorning - I will make her scramble eggs/toast, or oatmeal, sometimes sausage with her breakfast.
Her doctor says she's underweight and wants her to see a Dietician, but she always has me cancel her appointments.
I was thinking of making up some smoothies or some protein mix and give that to her mid-day. Wake her up and have her take in a few gulps. I need advice, thank you.
I learned so much for my dad by seeing a dietician. It was the most educational 2.5 hours of all his appointments I ever attended.
It will help you feed her without trying to figure out all the ins and outs.
We walked away with lists of what to eat, what not to eat and the nutritional values of everything. Hopefully, you will have as great an experience.