
My Joe is blind. He needs a person who can read books. He is interested in many subjects and is a good conversationalist. He is a very positive person.

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Hi Tayadee, if you have computer you can access to online audio books through your local library. Also consider podcasts. There are many to choose from across a variety of subjects.
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Reply to GAinPA

I loved to read to my disabled dad. Back in the day I also enjoyed reading to seniors as part of a volunteer “friendly visitor” position. I hope you find a caregiver who can read to Joe. If that doesn’t work out, you might see if your county has any resources similar to a friendly visitor program where someone could stop by for a visit of reading and conversation.

Best to you.
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Reply to SnoopyLove

Tay, we aren't a hiring agency.
We are only a bunch of caregivers much like yourself.
If you need help with Joe, then it is for you to find that help in your own area through agencies or through such things as NextDoor, and other outlets. Do let them know his needs. Also do call your local Council on Aging or Agency on Aging and ask for some numbers for assistive services for the blind. There are many things such as books on tape, volunteer programs and etc that you may be able to access for free.
Speak also with your local agency on aging and senior centers in your area.

I sure wish you good luck in your search.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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