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I would say yes. That QIT should have been set up by an Elder Lawyer. As such its a Medicaid trust and any money in it goes to Medicaid. You need to talk to the lawyer who set it up. You can also call the caseworker and find out what the person owes. That will need to be paid back if an asset, the house, is sold.

Usually, if there is a house, its an exempt asset while the person is living. Once they pass, its now an asset that can be recovered from. A lien will be placed on the property, that must be sold at Market Value. The lien is satisfied at the closing.

This is gets complicated when Medicaid is involved. Any assets this person has should be used to pay for the persons care. Get an Elder Lawyer.
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Reply to JoAnn29

If they were on Medicaid, and they leave, then there will at SOME point be Medicaid Recovery, either now or upon death on the estate.
Just when that will be is something you should explore with an attorney. I would used Certified Elder Law attorney in the elder's area.
This isn't something you can be wrong about, so the opinions of a bunch of strangers from around the world commenting on a Forum isn't good enough. It amounts to opinion and guesswork and "Well, this happened to US".

Please check this out with an attorney, and very best of luck.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer
chicken89 Jan 14, 2025
Alva did u find this info in a medicaid booklet or from a elder law attorney? Wanting to sell house when get out of n/home so want to get things right.
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