We are 81 and need to move from our large home into a more manageable space. We do Not want to be boxed into assisted living quarters but do need some assistance .
independent living communities look good.
We prefer to pay monthly for a villa rather than upfront
or to buy outright & pay for services
We have a dog!
We are accustomed to nice things and it will be difficult to accept anything lesser. Things like high ceilings , views.
Also tax friendly tax laws for elders.
Add to that, we have no desired location Except it must be a cooler
climate (not hot like Florida)
We currently live in Western NC blue ridge mountain area. NC especially further North
is a good possibility.
Is there a service specific to advising people where to move and what type community would be appropriate?
Any help from the forum is much appreciated.
thank You!
My goal is to not burden my children with caregiving. I have literally given up my life to care for my husband (before that, mil, then long-distance for my parents). As my one son says, "Mom, you have no life. Something needs to change." Yes, it does. The change will be that my children will still have their lives. They will rest assured that I am safe. They will travel and do all the things I thought my retirement years would look like. They will not have to worry about me.
All that to say that I think a CCRC would be what you want. But you need to start now. Decide first where you want to live, then look for a CCRC that "fits" you. Or, do the reverse, find some CCRCs that you like and then decide which location is where you would like to spend your remaing years.
1. Area Agencies on Aging (AAA):
These agencies provide information and assistance on various senior living options. They can help evaluate needs and recommend appropriate facilities. They can be found by visiting the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) website: n4a.org.
2. Eldercare Locator: A public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging that connects older adults and their families to services including housing options. Visit their website: eldercare.acl.gov or call (800) 677-1116.
3. Geriatric Care Managers: These are professionals who specialize in helping older adults and their families navigate the complexities of aging. They can provide personalized advice on housing and care options. Find one through the Aging Life Care Association: aginglifecare.org.
By utilizing these available resources, you can make a well informed decision that best suits your current and future needs.
WishIng you both the very best in finding a new home that meets your needs and brings you happiness and comfort.
My mom lived in MA and found these communities had individual 2 BR cottages with garage on campus. She lived in one unit that the previous renters put a dog fence in the back. It was a very short walk to the main building which provided meals, light housekeeping weekly, and some entertainment. Because it was a large facility with 150 apartments, there was on site caregivers that she paid a fee based on the amount of time that was needed. Her care was for showers and twice a day medication assistance. This company has several facilities near you between western NC and Tennesee. Just type this into your browser:
holiday by atria facilities in nc locations
Some will pop up between Flat Rock and Knoxville
I do admit that you have a long wish list and you might have to make a compromise.
As your condition becomes more serious you will be able to move to rooms that provide more care, all at the same facility.
Quite frankly, a well typed google search will probably give you the information that you are seeking. That's what I did.