My sister likes to explain everything to my mother and be upfront with her about everything. Mom has gotten unreasonable with just about everything and she doesn't understand the whys, when, and where's.
My sister sleeps with my mom, and consequently isn't getting enough sleep as she gets up with her throughout the night. Her blood pressure has gone sky high (she's 80 and I'm 81). I suggested she put sleeping medicine her evening juice. Yes, it would be great if she took on her own, but she's not and it's creating a lot of problems.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.
Have the doctor prescribe sleeping meds in liquid form and douse her evening juice every night without telling her. Maybe mix in a little anti-anxiety medication if the doctor says it's okay.
Then your sister stops sleeping in the room with her. She's not a sick child in a hospital that you stay with 24/7. No. That needs to stop for your sister's sake as much as your mother's. By never getting a night's sleep, your sister who is elderly herself is creating the perfect conditions for elder abuse.
Hire a 'Sleep Duty' or overnight aide whose job would be to take your mother to the bathroom a couple times a night. Put a hook and latch lock on the outside of her bedroom door, use diapers at night, and give her the sleeping medication. Then lock the door so she can't wander all night. Use baby monitors.
Your sister needs to get a night's sleep or something unfortunate is going to happen.
you tube some Calming music
herbal teas
calming smelling stuff - lots in shop
that Said
i think they call it sleep hygiene
your bedroom environment
creating conditions for healthy sleep
unless space doesn’t allow
so starters move out of mothers bedroom
tell your mother you have a virus
go sleep elsewhere if your accommodation allows
wax ear plugs are good
just an additional thought
is mother sleeping throughout the day
or eating too late/watching tv too late
prob discuss with her doctor
We asked the doctor about sleeping pills and he suggested that we stay away from them since her body could rest, and never wake up.
Your sister cannot survive on so little interrupted sleep. She's setting her body up for a self-destructive pattern.
Is there a reason why your sister sleeps with your Mom? Is your Mom a fall risk?
I would suggest you hire a night time care giver to watch over her at night, if she is a fall risk. It is expensive, however, in my Mom's case, she got to talk to someone different, find out about their lives, etc....even if she remembered nothing the next day.
It still was not easy...most caregivers think that they should be sleeping at night and my Mom being up and down all night, was basically akin to a day-shift (yes, my Mom was up and down during the day too).
My Mom didn't like the idea of the caregivers. She felt like they were being paid to just watch her sleep (they would have loved it if she all she did was sleep). However, they caught her before she fell a couple of times and it gave me the ability to sleep and shower, so it was worth the cost to pay for the caregivers. It was a long 3 years until dementia got so bad that she was fighting me and I put her into managed care...and yes, she woke up all night there too....however, there were always nurses on duty so she would talk to them.
Your sister cannot allow her blood pressure to spike over Mom's stubbornness and lack of sleep! Mine spiked to 160 while my Ex lived here. Once he moved out, it dropped to 114 and stayed. My Doctor was thrilled. My dark circles are gone after 2 months. I get it.
Time for sister to have a nurse come with meds, or ask Mom does she want a shot? That usually works too. Your sister is risking a cardiac event trying to be "up front" with a stubborn elder. Not the time to be up front.
IF the medication you are speaking of is infact Ativan(lorazepam is the generic) that medication is tasteless and can even be absorbed in the mouth if need be. But probably better to crush and dissolve (shaking the solution would be best) in about a shot glass worth of water/crystal light would be the best.
I hope you find your solution. Definitely talk to the doctor because they know best. I wish you the best!
Try it in a spoonful of pudding, jello, or some other treat that you can push a pill into and can be swallowed all at once. Make it part of your mother's bedtime routine, a treat before bed.