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Just a heads up, no one is buying all of the elder’s pack rat items. Bless their hearts, the children of the depression parents. They had an attachment to mass produced stuff and they had houses with a lot of walls that needed stuff on them.

Even goodwill doesn’t want it.
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Reply to Bulldog54321

No unless very valuable items. I kept what Mom needed to live in an Assisted Living, the rest I got rid of. Never was I asked what my Moms personal stuff was worth.
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Reply to JoAnn29

It depends on the situation.

If this is a spouse's care, no, you would not dismantle the home of the community spouse to pay for care.

If this is not a spouse and there are items of value, not a 200.00 tv type of value, more like a 45k baby grand piano value, yes, items should be liquidated to pay for care.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal

None of these things put together, unless there are very valuable antiques and jewelry, would ever pay more than one month of care maximum, imho.

Now if you are talking about qualifying for governmental help of Medicaid and grants to help with care, then you should discuss this with those who help you with applications. The forms will ask you for information. You will answer questions. Seniors are allowed to keep clothing,personal items, their furnished homes (ONE home), one car.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer

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