
I had no clue I had a huge aneurysm. I had emergency coiling aneurysm surgery and a stent put in 10/2024. Adult protective services called our home told me in the year 2024 my sister missed 12 doctors’ appointments, but failed to acknowledge they were rescheduled. She never went without medications. They took away my POA I can’t make any kind of decisions. I can’t be her payee and that they will place her where they choose too. She has been in the hospital for two months and five days as of today this is killing me. We have to go to court in five days. Any recommendations?

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Hopefully you have a lawyer. Like said, someone reported the situation.
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Reply to JoAnn29

I’m sorry you’ve been through so much with your own health. Your sister has been blessed to have your care, I hope now you’ll prioritize your own self care. You can work with another person appointed by the court to see your sister gets continuing good care, it doesn’t have to be all of one or the other. Determine to achieve balance in caring for you both, show your cooperation, and remember your health matters too. I wish you peace
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Daughterof1930

Be grateful that the state is stepping in to look after your sister now, so you can concentrate on your own health issues.
Your sister obviously has way more health issues than one person can now handle, so again, be grateful for the extra help your sister will now be getting, and that you can get back to just being her loving sibling, and not her overwhelmed caregiver.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59

I'm sorry for this distressing situation with your health and your sister. How old is she (for context)?

Obviously someone was concerned enough about her to report the situation to APS. My family had a good experience with a court-assigned 3rd party legal guardian. They even relocated my SFIL to a closer facility so that it'd be easier for us to bring my MIL to visit him (the first one was a good facility but an hour away).

The relationship with the guardian does not need to be adversarial unless you maybe make it such. Be cooperative.

Is she in the hospital for behavior? Or for cancer treatment? Why are you going to court? To defend yourself? Or to try to take back your PoA or become her guardian?

You need an attorney versed in this type of case. You don't even post what state your sister is in, which is important to know.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777

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