
In the last year, I began managing my father's care. This includes taking over assets (POA) and managing them, organizing insurance, doctors and visits, Ubers to appointments, and moving him to Independent Living. I mostly use Google Drive (docs and sheets), but I was wondering what else you use to stay organized? Thanks!

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I use a combination of apps for asset management, spreadsheets (Numbers or Xcel), scanning documents, and iCal.

I have an expensive password keeper that allows me to include documents, photos, etc. I can't live without it for storing and organizing information for multiple people. It's called 1Password, but there are probably others out there.

For asset management apps, maybe look for recommendations on, which is a public financial and investment forum.
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Reply to Geaton777

I was POA and Trustee of Trust for my brother. He and I also contacted Medicare, and all other entities.
I was already approaching my 80s at this time. I am NOT so computer savvy that I do anything legal, financial or otherwise on computer documents.

I simple at the beginning got a pretty wine box (NEEDED the wine, don't you know!) and used it for files. Each file was marked: Receipts in one, Medicare in one, Medical appointments, Home Insurance, Social Security, and then a file for each entity to which he paid bills. As long as there was a manila file folder for the subject, in it went, and organization took place when possible, but I at least had the folder for any questions. Each and every month I sent him a rundown of his accounts, every penny into them and every penny out; he kept a copy in his looseleaf notebook and I kept a copy in my file folder. Every 6 months I made a copy of all accounts and his assets which he found oddly comforting. We got our routine together.

I also kept a diary. Any important incidents, details on sale of his last home, etc. were flagged with little flags so I could refer to who, what, when and where at a moment's notice.

Graduated up to nice black file box, and after the first year of registering, presenting banking documents, copying and sending off documents of POA and Trustee designations and letters testamentary, I was pretty much "set up".

My brother had been before his Lewy's diagnosis a very organized man. So much so that his taxes were already prepared in February when he had his accident, for April filing. So I was lucky in that.

Good luck to you.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Liquor? That’s probably a given. Try QuickBooks / Quicken and you want to be able to scan paperwork, like those myriad of receipts, to iCloud. Personally I find Google too wide, QB is a more narrow approach to organization.

You mentioned assets, so Does he still have a home and a car? Or other assets? Like mineral rights, land, brokeage accounts?

Are you his representative payee for his SSA? If not, something needs to be done with SSA asap. SSA does not - DOES NOT- recognize POA. He can do either a rep payee or do an “advanced authorization”.

Do check to see that all banking and any life insurance has all to be POD to you or you as beneficiary, if that is what he wants.
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Reply to igloo572

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