
move my mom from puerto rico several months ago due to her health condition she is diabetic loses balance also taking medication for high sodium frequent headaches high blood presure can not live by her self had to mant fallins is doing much better here due to better medical treatment but keeps pushing to go back home to live on her own. what should i do i have full power of attorney for medical and finances

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Your POAs are not in effect unless she is declared incompetent to make her own decisions. Financial may be immediate but Medical usually needs a doctor saying she is incompetent to make her own decisions.

How old is Mom?
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You tell her that if and when she gets strong enough, and her health improves, that you'll ask her doctor is she can return home, knowing full well that that won't happen, but a little "fiblet"(lie) won't hurt her at this point.
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Tell her that her doctors insist that she stay here for better medical treatment.
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