Here in SF we have relatively mild weather year- round 50-70s and rare low and high of 40 to 100. We live in the upper small upper unit flat in a two-unit building. Gas/electric average 95.00 in summer and about 200.00 in winter (a short 3-4 months). Heat never set over 69 and no air conditioning. Our September and October temps are some of the best weather we get. Lots of sun and little fog.Monthly approximates look like:140.00 gas and electric40.00 garbage and recyclables140.00 water (our worst bill. We use shower water and laundry gray water to do garden.If one wished to add in phone costs and not do landline that's another 40.00 month.If one wished to add in health insurance supplemental--98.00 Kaiser.
Curious about what things look like across the country if you're willing to share, and even OUT of the country.
When you put in any living other costs-- insurance on homes/car, food, etc. it's hard to imagine ANYONE surviving on SS alone. My bro did it easily living in his little historic trailer park in Palm Springs and kept his nest egg safe altogether, but he was a penny pincher/coupon clipper, and a rare one indeed. That park was full of them, all ages, and all living the good life in a lovely community in long long trailers that were made in the 70s!