Hi my 83 year old mom has been obsessed with passing a stool several times a day. I do not know what to do because in the early mornings she acknowledges that she went to the bathroom and I even take pictures of her bowel movements. Then a few hours later she says she hasn't gone for two weeks. I just can't believe this is happening. She went to two neurologists and they both told me she has dementia. I just don't know how to help her. Perhaps she could be going more but she does go and she just sways back and forth with her thinking when I explain to her that she did then turns it around and says she didn't go enough. This is all so scary for me, any suggestions?
Good luck to you.
Your moms brain is now permanently broken and the best thing you can do to help her is to educate yourself more about this horrific disease of dementia so you're better prepared for what is ahead, as things will only get worse.