My mom lives with me and has had dementia for about 5 years. She went through a long period of being angry and fighting me on everything. She is pleasant now, but is living in the past. She asks to go home and it breaks my heart because she is home. I don’t really have a question but was just feeling very sad tonight. This forum has been a life saver and I know many on here know how I feel. I actually miss the fighting me on things a little!
There is nothing good about dementia, it's a lose lose situation for all concerned. My mother was foul and ugly for most of her term with dementia, but then became more loving and easy going as she became advanced. The ugliness I knew how to get irritated with and shut out, the pleasantness was something new and unknown. I had an easier time dealing with the nasty mom than the happy one. Truly a gut wrenching experience for the patient AND the family alike. I didn't leave moms room w/o crying on the ride home even once, I don't think.
Sending you a hug and a prayer for peace.
best wishes to you and your mom.
All you can do is try and redirect your mom best you can by changing the subject, and perhaps offering her some ice cream(that worked with one of the gentleman in my caregiver support group).
Dementia sucks, no ifs ands or buts, but know that eventually this too shall pass.
God bless you.