
I’m a 35yo F. I have been legally married for 2 years but all together 15 years to my husband 42 M. Father In law died 3 years ago and MIL has been at our home for almost 3 years now. She is 76 and she can’t cook or clean or use the bathroom by herself anymore and she needs assistance with her pills.MIL needs help walking etc., etc. I’m a SAHM with 4 kids 10,4,2,1. My husband works from 8-6 (plus traffic almost 7-8pm) most days and is off 2 or 1 day at the week. His salary is not high and we are barely making it through. I had a conversation with my husband about MIL needing assistance because I CANT take care of her and the kids. My husband has 7 siblings and yet Husband refused to get their help (and siblings don’t really offer to help either nor do they visit often). Now after our talk husband sometimes before work he changes MIL diaper and gives breakfast and pills but during the day I have to do the rest. During the day MIL complains that she doesn’t feel good and she refutes to eat while she is with me. I have to call my husband so he can tell her to eat. As soon as my husband gets home she tells him how she hasn’t eat and that she doesn’t feel well. After he sits down with her and talk and all of that she is well again. Anyway after the talk I had with my husband about getting help my husband said he wasn’t going to give up his mom and that I should start the paper work (PAPER WORK FOR DIVORCE) and I just said ok. Few days passed and he was talking to me like we were the best of friends and being loving etc. etc. and even he had a meeting with his siblings but yet NOTHING has changed. Today I send him a message because of something that happened with MIL hiding pills and stating that she had dropped them. I spend a good 10 minutes looking for them in the floor because of fear out of NY kids eating them. After asking her a few times she gave me the pills from her pocket. I told my husband and he’s reply said to not give her anything anymore and that she will just have to eat until he got home (GUILT TRIPING ME) I told him that I wasn’t going to allowed the guilt trip just because he refuses to ask his 7 other siblings for help. And that I’m starting the divorce paper and he just said that I have money (which is not mine it’s the kids) and that I should start the divorce. And from there his replies were just an ok. I stopped responding but I guess it makes me sad to know that he doesn’t care to lose me or to cut his time short with the kids just because he thinks that he is solely responsible for MIL when he has a lot of help around him. I’m tiered. Physically and emotionally.

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I suggest two things:

Meet with a divorce lawyer to find out exactly what would be involved. How would custody and child support work. How to access and monitor all your financial accounts to make sure your husband doesn't start hiding assets, etc. in anticipation of a divorce and catch you off-guard. Don't tell your husband about this. You aren't starting a divorce, but protecting yourself and your children in case, sadly, it reaches that point.

Take your children on vacation for a week. If your oldest is in school, he'll have spring break coming up soon. Stay with your parents if necessary, even if they are local (so it's not really a trip). But leave the house and don't go back for the full week. Let your husband see what it's like to deal with his mother full-time for a week, and how much he will miss you all if you actually were to divorce.

In the meantime, if your MIL doesn't want to eat, well, fine. Her choice. Anything else that is not an urgent need, same thing. Your husband can fix her meals and whatever else she needs when he gets home.

A marriage is supposed to be a partnership, not a dictatorship. Your husband doesn't get to dictate that you have to take care of his manipulative mother.

I'm sorry you're in this situation, and hope your husband's eyes will be opened to the reality.
Helpful Answer (17)
Reply to MG8522
Anonymous20 Mar 5, 2025
I believe this has been the most helpful voted. And I arranged for a meeting this Friday. And yes I think I will be leaving to my moms after I ask the lawyer if that would not affect me or accuse me of something.. I’m able to pick and drop my daughter off ..
Hi, and sympathy. I’d suggest that you try for a small step first, rather than go straight away to divorce. Perhaps:
1) Write a letter to the seven siblings, saying what you are being required to do for MIL and that DH has refused to ask for any help – from them or from paid carers. Tell them that you feel that MIL is playing helpless, refusing to co-operate with you, and requiring extra time from your DH (which he can’t spend with you or the kids). You are looking after MIL, DH, and 4 kids (including 2 todlers). Say that you can’t keep going.
2) Say that DH has suggested that you ‘start the paper work for divorce’, if you can’t cope. Say that whether or not you move out, or he moves out, you will NOT be caring for MIL. DH can’t work and care for MIL. They need to think as a family about how they are going to arrange care for MIL. Suggest that they have a family meeting without you to work out how they want to cope. It should NOT involve the option of you continue to do what you are doing now.
3) Look at your finances, and at a minimum split any savings that are in joint accounts. Put your half into an account in your sole name BEFORE you write the letter or go any further.

Your husband is trading on his belief that you won't take this any further. You need to shake him up. It is also only fair to let the siblings know in advance what is going on. Let them think about the situation for a while, before you actually pay for a lawyer to start divorce. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (9)
Reply to MargaretMcKen

Your husband is very much counting on you not taking any action and doesn’t believe you’ll leave him and his mother. I hope you have somewhere to go and can leave with the children for a couple of weeks. Use the time for a mental health break, to see an attorney for a consultation about your best options, to seek some counseling, and find out for sure if your husband does not care if you and his children are gone. This time and information gathered will give you rest and some clarity on your next steps going forward. Expect nothing from husband's siblings, they’ve shown they aren’t choosing to be involved, though you may disagree there’s no alternative but to accept their choices. I’m sorry you’re in this position. I raised four children and well know what a job that is, without an incompetent elder added in
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to Daughterof1930

If you were to divorce, it wouldn't "be over elder care". It would be because your husband doesn't value you or respect your opinion. Marriage is a partnership, not a dictatorship, and he has shown you that he doesn't consider you an equal partner.

Any husband whose first reaction to a disagreement is "file papers" is not one worth having, in my opinion.

As far as people being "disappointed" in you, well, that is their problem, quite frankly. They aren't walking in your shoes. And I'm sure God has a great many more things he is disappointed in with the human race than a marriage ending.

More important things for you to be concerned about is how to support yourself and your 4 children. Concentrate on that, rather than worrying about others opinion of you.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to notgoodenough
Bulldog54321 Mar 6, 2025
Exactly correct.
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Leave for 2 weeks with the kids. Go to your parents with the kids.

Give him and his siblings a week notice that you will not be caring for MIL those two weeks.

This may change your husband.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to brandee
Anonymous20 Mar 7, 2025
I already told him that starting startinf Friday (today) im not taking care of her and that he needs to find care outside the home because I don’t want any stranger at home. Nor am I going to be leaving w their siblings. Soooo we will see next Monday when he has to work what he will do.
I find it very sad that a grown a$$ man would put his mother before his wife and children. To me that says it all and should be a no brainer about what needs to be done.
But until you get the divorce ball rolling, take your children on a 2 week vacation far from your husband and MIL, and give your husband a taste of what caring for his mother full-time looks like.
That may just change his mind about what needs to be done with his mother.
And if it doesn't, well then you know what needs to be done.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Caregiving can be very hard on a marriage. I am a married man and we moved my wife's 88 year old father (FIL) in to our house about 9 months ago (won't get into the reasons...too long). He stays with us Mon-Fri and the weekends with her sister, who lives 10 minutes away. Originally, she was going to take him in, but she works from home and he would NOT leave her alone. She called my wife in tears and here we are. He has many, many faults from being dirty, not cleaning up after himself, drinks every night and really only cares about what affects him. He really doesn't respect women and will give my wife and her sister crap, but not me or my brother-in-law. My FIL got loud and snippy with my wife shortly after coming to our home and I let him know in no uncertain terms was he going to do that in my home. He and I got into a heated argument one night and I told him he could leave (of course, he didn't). He is slowly learning that the world doesn't revolve around him and all of us do not bend to his will. He just restarted chemo for cancer that went from his colon (removed surgically) to his liver (stabilized) and now showed up in his lungs. My wife is disabled, so she is home all day and cares for him. He's not bed bound or anything, but we do cook his meals, do his laundry, etc. There are some nice moments like when you walk in the room and he is sitting watching TV and petting the cat. That being said, if we also had him on the weekends, I would have to give her the ultimatum of him going into AL or me leaving. I could not have him there 100% of the time. I already feel like my home has not been my home for the past 9 months. So, come Friday evening, we are more than ready to take him to my SIL and BIL's house.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to dmg1969
Anonymous20 Mar 7, 2025
This ! Siblings won’t even take her for a weekend. My HB has to go drop MIL off to their house. Or I have to drop her off and pick her up. And then she even complains that we leave her when it’s her other kids .. (we don’t live her with strangers) they are her own kids. It’s crazy .
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Folks encouraging OP to get a job may not realize childcare costs well over 10 grand per year, per child. So that's minimum 30 or 40 grand for the 1,2 and 4 year old. Preschools cost money and generally are only a few hours per day, two to three days a week, so that's a non-option for 4. And the unless the 10 year old is able to take the school bus (which many states do not even have any more) to and from school, to and from an empty house where they can safely care for themself until a parent gets home, additional childcare costs will need to be paid to before and after school programs. Unless OP can magically get all this child care lined up and go right into a job paying 70k or higher per year it makes zero sense to advise "get a job". 

Which, by the way, raising kids is a job. You can tell because if you can't or won't do it you have to pay someone handsomely to do it for you. 
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Slartibartfast

I personally don't think you want a divorce: you want him to sit down, LISTEN to you and make decisions that are best for the two of you and the kids.

My DH responded to me the 2 or 3 times I threatened divorce over CG for his elderly parents (he felt that I should have as much in the game as he did--well, I was also caring for my OWN aging parents and he never did a single thing to lift that burden from me) by kind of laughing it off, like "you won't be able to make it on your own". It was demeaning to me and has taken him many years to actually realize it.

As much as we hate to 'make a fuss', he isn't going to DO anything different until you probably DO either leave him with the kids and let him flounder, or worst case, file for divorce. I wouldn't just file--I'd leave first and kind of push an agenda of couples therapy or whatever you can get.

FWIW--he can't afford a divorce. The cost of a SAHM, running the show, is around $140K a year. My Dh joked that he couldn't afford to divorce me, as he'd have to pay out so much $$.

It's up to your DH to contact his sibs and make a plan. Let them KNOW how you feel and what you are planning. If nobody will step up and help, then your DH has to choose between mom and wife.

Mom must have some kind of income. If nobody wants to take her in, then DH needs to take some time to find an alternate place for her. I watched my own DH and his sibs take more than a year out of their lives to cater to a demanding mother, who, it turned out, was so far gone into her dementia she thought the year the 'kids' were caring for her--that they were employees of the NH she was living in. She was IN HER OWN HOME. They moved her to ALF and her statement was "This place is a lot nicer than the old one you had me in." She was in her OWN HOME.

Sorry, just typing that out makes me grit my teeth.

My kids were all grownups by the time my CG for the parents got hard--but they still resented the fact that I was gone A LOT and not available to them.

I sure wish you good luck. Be tough and know you have a LOT of cyber friends who know exactly what you are feeling and going through.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Midkid58
Anonymous20 Mar 7, 2025
I already talked to him and at first he just said yes to a plan of having my MIL to do 1 month each sibling. Then he said he wasn’t going to do it. And then he said he was but nothing has changed since the meeting with siblings it’s about to be 1 month. Unfortunately we had a fight the other day and at this point we are not even talking anymore. Anyway MIL is still at home. At this point I’m now afraid that he would want to bring a sibling to live with us and I’m not going to that again.

thank you for the kind response ! I believe I’m not going to divorce just yet. I’m getting a job, getting care for my kids and then split . I believe that’s the best I can do for now.
First of all no man (or woman) should have to put in the number of hours at work that your husband does. I know how this because a 12-hour workday was normal for me because I'm a new business. I've cut that back now some. Work can't be a whole person's life and from the sound of those hours, it's your husband's life.

Forget about being a 'SAHM' and go get a job to bring income into the household so your husband doesn't have to work himself to death. School will provide the daycare for your 10 and 4 year old, and the younger kids will need a daycare arrangement which can be done. Some public schools start pre-school at 3 years and it's free.

You go and get a job. This takes care of your MIL problem because there will be no one to care for her at home. So she gets placed in LTC or one of her other kids takes her in. If your husband refuses this, then tell him the two of you are through because you can't live like this. Nor should you have to. Your situation isn't fair to anyone in your household. Not you, not your kids, not your MIL, and not your husband. Make him understand this.

Your husband does not want to be married to you anymore and he's using his mother's care needs as the reason. It is not. He has four children with you. It's time for him to grow up. Make him understand that divorce right now will cost way more than what he's paying now to support the house. So MIL goes into LTC or to one of her other kid's homes. If not, then your husband better start working 16 and 18 hour days because he's going to need to.

Good luck.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to BurntCaregiver
Daughterof1930 Mar 6, 2025
Referring to school as daycare is a slap to educators
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