I took Effexor for 4.5 years but discontinued it due to negative side effects. I've been doing research online and hear nothing but bad reviews for every single SSRI that exists it seems.
I have a Dr.'s appt. scheduled for next week and would like to have some possible positive feedback on something before I go so I at least could be armed with information before he just throws any pill at me.
Has anyone out there had a good experience with one. One that causes minimal weight gain, no suicidal thoughts, doesn't cause insomnia, etc. etc.?
Lexapro also brought calmness. As others have noted - too much calm. Lackadaisical spells at work. Paying bills late for no reason. Housekeeping took a nosedive. Etc.
Lexapro immediately killed my libido. Zero desire. Zero orgasms.
My Lexapro weight gain was steady and unacceptable. With no change in lifestyle or eating habits, I gained 35-40 lbs. (I’m short. On my frame, this was dramatic.) No amount of diet modification or exercise made a dent.
So yeah, Lexapro mitigated my depression. A long time coming. 20+ years of “toughing out” my bleak, low-function spells. Then came a cluster of all-at-once life changes that made “toughing it out” ineffective and impossible. So I finally sought help.
Over time, my treatment became my problem.
Two years into the Lexapro, my asexual fat slob persona was a price I was no longer willing to pay.
After an in-depth consultation with my doctor, I switched from Lexapro to Wellbutrin. The change was amazing.
Altho - discontinuing Lexapro triggered the “brain zaps.” Yes, they are real. If I hadn’t educated myself about Lexapro withdrawal, the “zaps” would have scared the sh*t out of me. Instead, it was just a weirdness that I learned to live with for a month or so.
Initially, Wellbutrin made me a bit amped-up and agitated. It also increased my focus at work - which was welcome and immediately rewarding.
After a couple of weeks, I realized that Wellbutrin had increased my sensitivity to caffeine. My lifelong normal of 4 or 5 cups of coffee per day was now too much for my system. I tapered to 1 cup per day (1st thing in the a.m.) and the agitation subsided.
My extra weight did not magically come off. BUT with Wellbutrin, my body was able to respond appropriately to weight-loss efforts. Over time, I worked down to my original weight.
Wellbutrin made me so..... normal! Normal mood. Normal motivation. Normal metabolism. Normal libido. 😃
I had typical (manageable) ups and downs. Low points, for sure. That’s life. Wellbutrin kept me from sliding into the pit of despair too deeply. Or for too long.
I went off Wellbutrin for a few years. Because I felt so good, bla bla bla. I was able to self-manage my emotions — until caregiving kicked my azz.
Back on the Wellbutrin for 5+ years now. I have no intention of discontinuing.
Well, that’s my story!
My daughter takes Prozac and has had no side effects from that medication either.
Good luck........I hope you find relief with a medication that works!!! But don't forget, ALL medications contain a list of warnings as long as a roll of toilet paper. Don't let that stop you.........keep trying until you find something that works for YOU!
I hope this helps. Anxiety and depression can beat you down.
I gather from your post you don't have much confidence in your doctor. Perhaps trying a different one would help. I don't think any dr is just going to throw a pill at you, For any patient, finding the right anti-d is a trial and error process. Every anti-d, indeed every medication, has negative side effects. That's life.
I am delighted with the anti-d I am on which deals with fibromyalgia pain and also has a very slight anti-d effect. At this low dose I don't have problems with side effects.
Wishing you the best results for your current search.
I have much sympathy for you and your ongoing depression and anxiety. Prayers for a good solution. ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))
I've had to grieve the lack of a normal caring family. I tried my best to do my part, but I had to face that it wasn't enough and never would be. It takes more than one. In the best of all possible worlds would I have liked a loving family. Of course. But that was and is not my reality. Having worked that through, I am content as things are. Life is good. That is what I wish for you.
Unfortunately, they are not fast acting so trial and error can take months and be very frustrating. Don’t give up, though. Once you find one that works, it can be a life changer.
Make sure you are working with a psychiatrist or a neurologist who knows pharmacology. Don’t be like my sister who got her prescription from her OB/GYN!
Good luck!
I'm not going to start till after Christmas though cause I know the side effects might be bothersome for the first week or two.
Thx everyone for the advice and your experiences. I'll let you know how it goes.
The Wellbutrin made me feel calm, organized and capable again. Didn't gain any weight , a little insomnia. Stayed on it from 2013 until 2017 then I felt it's benefits kind of plateued out for me. I went off it and have done ok until recently when I too am considering an antidepressant again. Still on the fence. Some days I do ok and others are utter darkness. Therapy, meditation, yoga, friends, my dogs all help. Good luck to you- I hope you find something that helps.
You are not overly sensitive - about this anyway. I think you are quite angry and rightfully so for being treated like this for years. Them excusing themselves calling it teasing is a form of gas lighting - making you doubt yourself. Don't doubt yourself. They are picking on you. (((((((hugs))))))
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