
My 73-year-old husband had three vascular stokes resulting in dementia and hypersexuality. I’ve tried to keep him to a once a week schedule however he forgets he had sex after 48 hours. We’ve tried Zoloft and Lexapro which worsened his condition because he could not ejaculate leading to more agitation. Although both did mellow his reaction. Wellbutrin caused more aggression. No meds increase his desire. I’ve read some success with Naltrexone and hypersexuality but not sure if it’s worked with patients with dementia.

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I know that Naltrexone is used typically to treat opioid addiction, however years ago my holistic doctor had me try a low dose of it to treat my nerve pain that I was having after having 7 surgeries in 7 years.
It has been proven effective to treat pain that otherwise hasn't responded well to other medications.
However I've never heard of it for use in calming ones hypersexuality down. You'll have to come back and let us know if it helps.
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You are both correct- it’s mostly used for opioid addiction. However, there’s been some success with hypersexuality. Since he does have a history of opioid addiction in the past, I’m thought this might be an option in his situation. After all, who really knows which synapses in the brain need tweaking.
if anyone hears Naltrexone as a possibility let me know. I’d rather get the urges controlled than feel the need to send him to a facility. But it’s on my list of possible scenarios. Thank you!!
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Geaton777 Aug 3, 2024
Interesting and makes total sense. If you do end up using it -- and it works to any degree -- please come back here and give an update. Participants' first-hand experiences are so valuable for everyone to learn from.
You need to speak with your husband's doctor about his ISB, or Inappropriate Sexual Behavior which is common with dementia. Antidepressants do not address the problem, but there are certain meds that specifically do.

In the meantime, your wishes are important too! Use the word NO as needed and stick to your guns. Many wives have moved into the spare bedroom for this reason, and to stop being groped by over zealous husbands.

I hope someone comes along who has first hand experience with the drug you're asking about.

Good luck to you.
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Elcee33066 Aug 3, 2024
Thank you! The spare bedroom is my go to whenever I need it. I’m also looking into Assisted Living Facilities if I can’t find a medical solution. That’s why I’m asking about Naltrexone. Thanks again!!
Also - I have spoken to his psychiatrist and she is also researching Naltrexone as an option. I thought I’d ask and see if anyone else had any experience with it in this scenario.
When I looked it up, it doesn't say anywhere that this drug treats hypersexuality. It's to treat opioid substance abuse. If it's not indicated to treat hypersexuality, I don't know why a doctor would even prescribe it. Was it suggested by the patient's doctor?
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Rumbletown Aug 3, 2024
Geaton777, looks like it’s been used for other compulsive or addictive behaviors beyond opiates. Including in some cases hypersexuality. Unfortunately , OP, I have no idea or experience personally if it’s useful in dementia hypersexuality, as opposed
to compulsive behaviors in other settings.

OP, sorry you’re having to deal with this.
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