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Get a social worker from your doctor . They will help you navigate elder services and give you some support . I Know I had Moments where I was so exhausted from taking care of My Mother, Brother and Father . I had a Therapist , social worker , group counseling , would call the Alzheimers hot Line . Had elder care services coming . Would go to the community acupuncture clinic for stress relief or ride My Bike and go for a long swim . Over this time I had 3 therapists and a Psychiatrist and thank god for that . Massages really help too periodically .
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Reply to KNance72

You do not give a lot of info about your mom or what you are doing to help her.
If you would like to add a bit more info that would help.
Is mom living "independently"? If so what are you doing to help her? Can she get caregivers to come in and help so that you get a bit of a break? If she refuses to let anyone other than you help then you back off and do what you can, when you can and what you want to do to help.
All that said would work if mom is cognizant. If mom is not cognizant then it is time to look for Memory Care that will be able to care for her 24/7 giving you a break and allowing you to be a daughter (I am assuming you are a daughter if not apologies for the assumption) again and not a caregiver.
If you are POA, the one that makes decisions for her then you can place her in a facility that can meet her care needs.
If you are not legally POA and she has dementia then you may need to obtain Guardianship. You should talk to an Elder Care Attorney.

As for Respite..
Check with your local Senior Service Center and see if mom qualifies for any programs that will help with caregivers.
Check and see if there are Adult Day Programs. Going to a Program 3 times a week will give you a much needed break and mom will get socialization as well and activities. Generally a breakfast, lunch and snack are served and most provide transportation.

If mom is a Veteran the VA may have programs. If dad was/is a Veteran she may qualify for programs based on his service (as long as she did not remarry)

If mom has medical conditions that might make her eligible for Hospice have her evaluated for Hospice. You would get a Nurse 1 time a week, more often if needed. The nurse would order medications and any supplies or equipment that you would need.
A CNA that would come 2 times a week to give mom a bath or shower, the CNA would order personal supplies that would be delivered.
A Social Worker, Chaplain would be assigned as part of the Team as well.
And Medicare, Medicaid and other Insurance will cover Hospice.
One of the benefits of Hospice is that Respite is covered as well. (about 1 week each year.)
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Reply to Grandma1954

I would call your local council on aging or agency on aging for pointers of what direction to take toward more help.

If you tell us about your situation, and what ways you have tried to obtain help, we may be able to help you more.
Otherwise we will just understand that you needed to vent the extreme hopelessness you feel right now, and will wish for you that it will get better.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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