
Tryimg to avoid his clothes being messed up when he soils himself.

If he is a veteran, they will supply diapers and disposable bed pads
It helps us a lot also saves a lot of money,
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Reply to Grandma217

I took away all of my husbands old underwear and replaced them with Men's Depends, and I continued to call them his new underwear and not diapers as everyone still deserves to maintain their dignity despite what they may have going on causing them to have to wear Depends.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Recommendations for brand?

I did loads of research when my dad needed to start using them and Sam's Club brand had all the latest, greatest innovations and worked great for him and, they were a good price.

I would encourage you NOT to call them diapers, it's a dignity thing and can create resistance to wearing them, call them disposable underwear.

Also, just take ALL of his old unerwear away and put the new ones in there place, no choices that way.

I provided my dad ample garbage bags to dispose of used ones in, then they went in a bagged trash can, never had an odor problem.

Best of luck, this is a hard one for all involved.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Isthisrealyreal

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