My 87 yr old mom had poly trauma from a fall. It required shoulder and hip surgery. Now non-weight bearing and at a nursing home. She is refusing to go to her post-op visit to get xrays and staples removed. I have POA. What can be done? The nursing home won't begin therapy without a surgeon's approval or removed staples. She has some signs of dementia.
In some cases an RN can be sent for wound assessment, check on everything and remove staples. In other cases there will need to be medical van pickup to take mom to her appointment.
And naturally you will need to explain to Mom that removal of staples is NOT A CHOICE. It must be done.
And if for some reason your moms facility doesn't have a van you can call an ambulance company to have her transported to her doctors and again you can meet her there.
Your mom no longer gets a say in what she will or won't do, as you now have to be the adult and do what is best for her.
Do you know why she is refusing? Has she been stubborn and obstinate all her life, or is this something new? Is she confused or anxious or depressed, in which case some medications might help clarify things for her?
They are wrong. If she is so demented that she doesn't understand that staples cannot stay in then she is demented enough that YOU as POA take over for her own safety. So the nursing home is wrong.
I honestly cannot imagine a surgeon who is this medically NEGLIGENT and I don't use that word--as a nurse--lightly. You can tell him I said so. He is endangering the life of his patient by taking no action whatsoever.
So now you are down to calling EMS and getting your mother loaded into the ambulance and transported to ER. They will remove her staples and assess the wound and she will be discharged back to her nursing home. This will come at a cost, likely of 5,000 plus as this is NOT an emergency, tho as you can imagine it will become one when infection sets in, she gets sepsis and dies.
This isn't a time to let people stand around and be wishy washy which EVERYONE HERE is currently doing.
The staples need to be removed and every day they are now in is dangerous.
The physician need to be told you cannot bodily get mother in and that the staples represent a danger of infection leading to sepsis leading to death for which HE WILL BE RESPONSIBLE.
As to mother, if there is even a dim glow present you need to tell her that she IS going in and she is going IN the day of appointment whether you have to call an ambulance or not, and that her not cooperating could lead to her DEATH BY SEPSIS.
This nonsense needs to be stops. Sounds like an absolute merry-go-round of silliness on everyone's part, and is endangering this woman if it goes on.
Hope you will update us. You are going to need to be now reading the RIOT act to all involved.
If even that doesn't work?
Then tell Mom you wash your hands of her and when she is ready to cooperate and go to get the staples removed you will be back; and until THEN, you will NOT participate in her life in any way. Given she is ready to throw it away, she may be able to understand that.
IF you live in a metropolitan area AND the state you live in supports "out of pocket" items like in-home care and PT etc. then there are companies that come into the home and nursing facilities etc. We have an in-home care nurse that comes once a month - more often when needed and "orders" the xrays etc.
Don’t mention any of this to your Mom. Turn up on the day and say”Mom, we’re off to a hospital appointment “. Don’t ask her. Don’t use any question forms. Often people in your Mom’s situation, if asked, will say “No!”. Just say that you are going and go.
So sorry if this over simplifies a more complex situation but it does sometimes work.
If someone is incompetent (even temporarily) and is refusing medical care which could lead to death (this can) they can be required to see an MD to remedy the situation due to incompetency of mind. THIS not going to get the staples out is a dangerous thing, and it is not NORMAL in any way to make this decision.
As this situation is already settled (read below) and mom already went for her appointment, I will say no more here about your post.