
This seems to come and go and may not be related to his dementia. He has chronic myeloid leukemia, diabetic and has had a stroke a couple of TIAs. He is also binging on protein drinks recently (like 10 a day), but since the itching has been a problem before, I don't think it's related. Anyone else have scratching issues? TIA

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I went off to research..
I was wondering about kidney function too.

My LO had itch with bug-bite feel. Kidney function was 'ok but not that great', but no actual reason was ever found.

Sadly with many issues in the mix, it may be hard to pinpoint the exact cause here - treating the symptoms may be all you can do.
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Lots of folks with Alzheimer's/dementia feel itchy and insist bugs are biting them. I wound up getting my mother a can of Dermoplast which has an anesthetic agent in it. Spray where the itching occurs. YOU do it FOR him, otherwise he's likely to abuse the can and go thru it immediately.

Also keep the protein drinks hidden so he's not drinking 10 a day. The sugar alone in each one is enough to send his blood sugar thru the roof, as a diabetic!
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A lot of things can cause itching .
Renal ( kidney failure)
Some leukemias
some diabetics are itchy

Have your doctor investigate the cause .
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anonymous1784938 Mar 28, 2024
It wouldn’t be out of the question to suggest the 10 protein drinks a day are causing his kidneys to fail which is causing him to itch. 300 mg protein in a day is for an elite athlete
Not on any opioids?

I would discuss with the MD.
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10 protein drinks a day is going to kill him. That alone is 300 grams of protein
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