Goid catch Alva. Hopefully this has been resolved.
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Reply to JoAnn29

December 11 question; situation likely now addressed. However, and for others:
When a medication is missed go to Google or other favorite search engine and type in:

"Eliquis and missed dose". (or other med)
You will find drug company recommendations.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Shebis 95. I would question about her taking it if she has been on it for years. It causes internal bleeding.
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Reply to JoAnn29
AlvaDeer Jan 8, 2025
This is a very common medication now given instead of coumadin and is VERY MUCH SAFER than most blood "thinners". It works in another way than thinning the blood. It works instead to delay clotting. This means that people who form strokes will be on this med for life. My partner is one of them. Side effects of difficulty or slowness in blood clotting is dire is someone stabs you multiple times; that's for sure. In fact, even a tooth pulled will be quite dicey. There is another drug of this type called Pradaxa. It is preferred by many for lower cost AND for the fact it can be instantly reversed in the ER.
I've only missed a couple of dad's eliquis doses since he's lived with me over the last 3 years, but I've not seen any ill effects from missing just one dose. Of course, a dr or pharmacist should be contacted.
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Reply to JustVee

You don't tell us what are her NORMAL hours.
The instructions for you are online. Look up "Eliquis missed dose" and they will inform you what the manufacturer recommends.

You may feel more comfortable calling your insurance advice nurse or your pharmacy that gives mother her medication. You may feel more comfortable speaking with your mother's doctor's office.

As persons not currently practicing medication, and unfamiliar with your mom, we as lay people or retired medical shouldn't be advising on medications.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

You will get a faster more accurate information if you contact the pharmacist.
If this is an on going problem discuss it with her doctor to find out if there are other medications that could be taken that have a more flexible schedule.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Grandma1954

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