
wife has Alzheimer’s and doesn’t want sex

PLEASE take the time to learn about ALZ.

For someone suffering from dementia or ALZ, their ENTIRE world changes. She is not being selfish in not wanting to be intimate with you. She is quite literally managing daily the changes that are happening to her. She may not even be "living" in the present half the time. She may revert to times like her childhood and behave in a very childlike manner.

The reality is that their personal bubble shrinks tremendously. Its not that she is intentionally depriving you of something that until recently she was happy to share with you. She is not intentionally leaving you.

Her mind is broken and she is not processing things that she has normally dealt with in the same way. It may be all that she can do to make sure she knows that she needs to go to the bathroom to urinate, and to turn off the stove when she cooks, and to not leave the water running. Just BASIC functions.

I have dealt with dementia twice in the last 5 years with different family members. BOTH of them FORGOT who family members were - not estranged or rarely seen - but people they saw ALL the time. Both reverted back to earlier times like their childhood and it was hard for them to live in the present.

PLEASE learn about the normal changes and hard truths about ALZ. Sex probably isn't even crossing her mind - depending on where her mind is at any given time.

Focus on the things that you can both do that make BOTH of you happy.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to BlueEyedGirl94

Your wife is losing her mind which is devastating and your concern is that she’s not satisfying YOU .

When a couple gets old enough it’s bound to happen that one spouse either “ can’t “ or no longer wants to .

You have bigger problems than a lack of sex as her Alzheimer’s progresses . Educate yourself on this horrific condition .
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to waytomisery

Does your wife enjoy cuddling and hugs and togetherness?
If so, but if she wants nothing further than that, I am afraid that little can be done to MAKE her want more.
Given that I am going to assume that, like men anywhere and everywhere over all of time you have some experience in times of great need in taking care of yourself.

I truly am sorry, but dear Dr. Laura is correct: in life, not everything can be fixed.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Your wife, by reason of her Alzheimer’s disease, is quite literally losing her mind. An unimaginable loss, it’s often called the long goodbye. I’d bet sex is the last thing she’s concerned with, rightfully so. Many here would suggest you educate yourself on how to best support and encourage your wife in this huge life event and worry less about sex
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to Daughterof1930
MargaretMcKen Dec 31, 2024
If we could all 'worry less about sex' the world would be a very different place. Perhaps try for closeness in bed, without actual sex, and for the rest of it, go to the shop.
See 3 more replies
So what are you saying? You are "here for you" and offering yourself to others?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lealonnie1

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