See an elder care attorney who's versed in Medicaid, that's your best bet.
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Reply to lealonnie1

I believe you are saying too much monthly asset for MediCAID, not Medicare. Medicare couldn't care less how many assets you have monthly or otherwise.

See an attorney to discuss Miller Trust and Q.I.T (Qualified Income Trust) if you are the POA. If available legally in your state this can be an enormous help.

Research these trusts first.
You can start by going to the search bar up on the timeline here at AgingCare and typing in Miller Trust and Q.I.T. You will see many prior questions on these and how they work.

These are Trusts that work for those with too much monthly income to qualify --say from combined SS and pensions, but not enough to afford fees at facilities. What happens is that a portion of guaranteed assets goes directly into a separate Trust (often the beneficiary is the State to recoup funds used in care of elder), thus decreasing the monthly income of the "individual".
An attorney would be the one to write this trust.

Happy researching and best of luck.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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