
We believe she has the beginning of vascular dementia. She does not care about anything. Wants to be left alone to lay on the couch and eat whatever she wants. Always looking for sweets and when you get her something, it doesn't last long. Then she wants and looks for more.

Let her eat and enjoy whatever she wants, because at this point if she has vascular dementia which happens to be the most aggressive of all the dementias with a life expectancy of just 5 years she might as well do as she wants.
And craving sweets is very normal and common with folks with dementia, and there is no happy ending with dementia, so let your mom be.
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Reply to funkygrandma59

If she ignores her health and that brings on more health conditions making it impossible for her to care for herself, who has to take care of her? You? With your mom by that time a 300-pound diabetic who lives on your couch? And can't get to the bathroom by herself?

She clearly has health issues, and one of them may be depression. Please get her to her doctor for a checkup! Your mother's lifestyle is going to spiral downward into REALLY bad health, and then YOU are going to be the one who is miserable, resentful and angry. That's not good for YOUR health.

I wish you luck in learning how to keep your mother healthy and you off the hook as her caregiver.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Fawnby

My mother is the same way, only wants to eat sweets, I let her, she 99 makes no difference at this point.
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Reply to MeDolly

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