Says she has to go bathroom a lot but when questioned, cannot describe the frequency and says nothing wrong in the afternoons. Persistent urine dip stick positive result for white blood cells but urine culture comes back negative for UTI. PCP told me it is all in her mind but she is insistent about it when calling in the morning. Ruins the whole day at work and raised my blood pressure when she insists it is a UTI even though I go through the symptoms and she is experiencing none of them.
Don't scare yourself with the possibilities, but do NOT ignore this subjective symptoms. Also check out dietary reasons for irritable bladder. If Mom has any IBS the bladder is often affected with irritation. Leaky guts are a thing.
Good luck. She is a mystery, but this is pretty unlikely to be made up. She may have only a urethritis, but there are meds to help her.
Does she use incontinence briefs? If not, I would consider removing all her cloth undies and supply only disposables. Tell her this is what her PCP says to do to prevent UTIs.
FYI when elderly women get UTIs (which is very frequent) they often show no classic symptoms (pain, blood in urine, frequency, urgency, fever) but instead it manifests in cognitive and behavioral symptoms, like confusion, fatigue, agitation, hallucinations, etc.
And it can't hurt to get her some D-Mannose to take daily.
And might I also suggest that you take her to a urologist and not her PCP, to see what else may be going on. She may not be emptying all the way when she goes pee, or she could have a spastic bladder which causes one to pee a lot.
There are tests to be done to check for both.