
First of all, I wanna thank all of the replies to my post regarding my sister who holds the POA position & will not allow me to see my mom who is staying at her house. My mom is 89 years old. I read on this website that the use of a mediator may assist in my ability to visit my momI talked to an attorney about getting a court order for visitation, but that is not a possibility in South Carolina, as our governor ended that during the pandemic.So does anyone have any suggestions or some type of mediator contact in the county of Lexington, South Carolina or possibly you could direct me to the agency that would have this contact? I last visited my mom December 20, my sister blocked me from all communications with her Christmas Day .It is ironic, back in November she stated that I isolated myself from our family, yet she is the one isolating me from my mom my mom is receiving hospice care at my sister's house!I will tell you I was my mom's favorite, it is probably immature for me to bring this up, but my sister has harbored her jealousy over this issue for years, and I am certain this has so much to do with not allowing me visitation rights.

Re mediation:
Reach out here:
Directories of Mediators / The academy of Professional Famiy Mediators (Assn for conflict resolution.

Also call your local Edler Law attorney and ask for mediator recommendation.

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