
Celiacs usually runs in families by genetic marker. I am pretty proficient thanks to my son and another young family is my problem: my father has Celiacs and I am not the primary care giver. My stepmother is. When she is at her part time job my half sister was getting his meals. At this point he appears mail-absorbed and weak. I think the weakness is from lack of nutrition and Over the counter meds he is receiving for sleep. He takes a ridiculous amount of medications that I am pretty certain are not Gluten Free.I have sent all the information over the years to help my Dad and I understand some are not meant for caregiving. There is caregivers coming in to help out and his getting services. Here is how it appears to me:: either my family that is caring for him has failed to inform and advocate his Celiacs or the doctors are not recognizing why this is happening or some believe in euthanasia indirect. Just hitting the insurance if you know what I mean. This does happen as I have watched it with some other family members. They have carried a DNR too far by not administering the right treatment from the start. When I have a doctor and feel this uncertainty, I find one who specializes in the condition for second opinions.

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Oh man, a Celiac getting gluten, you need to advocate in any way possible for him to receive the proper care and food he needs.

I know two people that are celiac and feeding them gluten would be a form of torture to them.

I truly hope you are mistaken in what you think is going on. Poor dad.
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Reply to Isthisrealyreal

Ensure is Gluten free. I use Ensure Complete.....high in both calories and protein. Make sure it's labeled Complete.....comes in Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla.
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Reply to Abby2018

I'm sorry for the distress this situation is causing you.

You have not asked a question. Do you have one?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Geaton777

Patch MD brand vitamins are patches you place on the skin like the upper arms. Though I know elder skin is thin, might you try this daily to beef up his nutrition?
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Reply to Bulldog54321

Have you expressed your concern to his doctors?
They can not respond to you if you are not listed on his HIPPA forms but having the information could be helpful
If you honestly think that your mother and siblings are doing this on purpose you could...if you have nothing but time and money...file your concerns with APS or your States Elder Abuse hotline or talk to an attorney about obtaining Guardianship. (This is the part about time and money)
And I suppose the big question is this Is your dad competent? If so he could make you his POA rather than his wife being in charge of his health and finances you would be. If he is not competent then this would not be possible.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Grandma1954

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