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In facilities it is not acceptable, since their own rules prohibit forcing someone to eat or drink. This would fall into that catagory.

As others have pointed out it is also dangerous.

If you have reported it to the admins and nothing was done about it, you can consider contacting an ombudsman to make a complaint.

If you see it happen again, call a nurse over to check on that resident. Nurses are mandated reporters.
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No. It wouldn't be safe to do to any sleeping person. Was this purposely done?
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mama777 Feb 12, 2025
Yes, it was. And it made me very uncomfortable to see. I posed a concern to another professional about this and they stated that it was acceptable. However, I still disagree. It could pose a deadly choking hazard for the sleeping resident. But due to two professionals taking no issue with this situation, I wanted to ask a community of medical professionals to get the truth. And you have confirmed what I already believe. Thank you so much. I truly appreciate your respectful reply. Thank you, again.
It’s not a good idea to put food into anyone’s mouth while asleep. Makes zero sense as there is always a risk of aspiration
Helpful Answer (1)
mama777 Feb 12, 2025
Thank you for confirming my belief. Two other "professionals" were actually ok with this situation that I witnessed. So, I wanted to ask the medical community for support of my opinion. Thank you!
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