
He wears disposable underwear and is incontinent. He is in shorts which makes cleaning him up easier than long trousers. While we use skin moisturizer to alleviate itch he continues to pick these areas.
any suggestions I am at my wits end

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Definitely sounds like your husband is exhibiting signs of OCD which is very common with folks with any of the dementias.
Please ask his doctor to prescribe a medication that will help with that.
Best wishes as you take this very difficult journey with your husband.
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Try to keep his hands busy with other things? Likely easier said than done.

I think the OCD idea is a good one and maybe his doc can prescribe something to calm done his compulsion to do this?

OTOH, is it really a big deal? I guess it depends on how much he's bleeding? How about putting bandaids on all the scabs.

Good luck.
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He may not be picking because it itches. I have read posts by others on this forum who tried prescription meds for OCD behavior. Skin picking (even without scabs or any physical reason) is a common dementia behavior. Please consult his doctor about this issue.

You can also consider anti-strip ALZ jumpsuits so that he cannot access those areas on his body. You can find them on
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