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A cremation here where I live in Florida is around $1,200. To me, that would be the way to go. Have a little celebration of life with close family & friends in someone's back yard and leave it at that.
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I wouldn't bother with a luncheon. Have a cheap cremation and be done with it.
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My mom is close to running out of money and we are getting ready to apply for Medicaid. I had read that before that happens we should pre-pay for a irrevocable funeral out of her money. Spoke with an elder lawyer to confirm that. When meeting with the funeral home, we were going over all of the choices and I was picking the least expensive of every aspect of the funeral....once we approached $20,000 mark, I stopped her and said she can't afford this, so let's look at cremation. Even cremation was expensive if you have a ceremony and plan to bury the ashes. The least expensive route is cremation, no burial of the ashes and a private get together at your home with family and friends. Depending on where you live, you might be able to do that for around $1,000. Have pictures out, service coffee and tea and some cookies. Depending on the time of year, you could pick some hosta leaves and flowers from the yard and make a nice flower arrangement. Her celebration of life will be very nice because her daughter is there sharing all of the memories.

Usually once they get close to 100 yrs old, none of their friends are still alive and in many cases, their children have passes and it's the grandchildren planning the funeral. I just don't see the point in taking out a loan to put on an extravagant funeral. It doesn't mean you love them any less or that their life was not important.
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igloo572 Aug 2022
James so beyond great you did this BECAUSE LTC Medicaid as far as I’m aware has a maximum allowable for preneed burial & funeral policies. And its like 8K -10k max. That’s considered a reasonable fair market price for a funeral so if you go over, Medicaid can penalize on the overage.

FH very well know this. But the staff are all commission driven so too bad so sad.

also the preneed policy has to be for direct funeral / burial costs, so no floral, no police escort, no celebration of life type of catering cost in the policy.
It is not necessary to have a funeral.
Helpful Answer (8)
SZHNJ1023 Aug 2022
Agreed. When my mom died I just did straight cremation. Well under $1,000. Mom was all for it when she was "with it." Funerals are for the living, not for the dead, and spending exorbitant amounts of money makes no sense and is a waste of funds that could be used for the living. Just my opinion, of course.
I agree with others that cremation is the way to go and perhaps you can save a little each month in a savings account for that. We will be having a "celebration of life" at home and Mom has already indicated where she wants her ashes sprinkled so no none will have to "keep up" with an urn.
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Is Medicaid paying for Moms care? If so, check with her caseworker and see if Medicaid contributes towards a funeral. If so, it won't be much, maybe 1500, just enough for cremation, maybe. Unless u pay for it, you may have to settle for a memorial service in a Church with a small luncheon following.
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My mother is 96 with zero money, her SS goes to pay her credit card debt. Last year, I prepaid her cremation and death certificates...that might be something to look into. We aren't having a viewing or anything so it was about $1500 and the price is guaranteed if she lives another 10 years or more.
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In the California Bay Area, cremations start at about 800. The fee is waived if one donates ones body to science with eventual cremains going to the family.

Use of picnic tables is normally free or very low cost.
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Catskie62 Jul 2022
Sorry to sound dense, but what is the picnic table used for?
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Planning ahead is priceless. I’m 82 and competent. Over the last year I’ve compiled an “after I die” file. All was done with input from 2 adult children. Although my first wish is to for my body to be donated to local medical school, acceptance is not assured. So plan includes a prepaid cremation- no frills or formal funeral. If this is not needed, the money spent on this will be returned to my children. Either way, my children know that the only memorial “service” I want is a gathering - party - at my son’s home.
Also included: will, health care directive, assignment of power of attorney and designation of children as equal recipients of assets.
Its too late to arrange this after a LO has died but hope it outlines process for avoiding the dilemma you describe.
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I've been through the process twice (17 months apart) with my parents. I have always felt American funerals were extremely over-priced and morbid traditions.
Here in Florida, the least expensive option is direct cremation, no ceremony, no frills. I shopped around several companies/crematoriums as prices varied widely.
You don't even have to spend the money on an expensive, optional urn. I paid around $900 in total for the most basic service. That included the ashes being returned in a plain white box.
You will also need certified death certificates. They run around $10-15 each depending on region.
Actually, my father had always wanted to donate his body to medical science and I fully intended to honor that wish. I had researched it and the cremation would have been free. However, he died shortly after the initial coronavirus lockdowns and donations were not accepted at that time.
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