
I'm in a nursing home that for some reason keeps running out of my pain medication and my anxiety medication. I then have to wait for a couple days to get them refilled. So, I go through pain, bad anxiety and withdrawals from waiting. My body can't keep going through this as my blood pressure goes sky high among other things! Thank you in advance!


Make sure your notes on your cell phone, tablet, and/or laptop are password protected and I'd have a backup on a USB thumb drive.

Please keep us updated. What you are going through is terrible.
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Reply to brandee

Contact the state ombudsman
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Reply to MACinCT

A P.S. from me Brandon.
Call your Administrator.
Tell her you are currently researching how to call in an ombudsman about your decubitus ulcer and the withholding of your medications.
Tell her that you are researching who in your state oversees the licensing of any Medicare/Medicaid patients, and calling Medicare/Medicaid it self to see how to proceed with getting their treatment and licensure examined. Tell her you are keeping careful and meticulous notes (and whatever else you do, DO THAT) about missed meds, and negligence in your care leading to skin breakdown.

DO KNOW that facilities can literally lose their license to practice or be in business or have themselves put on probation for complaints such as yours.
Call APS and report them as well.
KEEP THOSE CAREFUL NOTES; that is crucial. And keep them hidden, and don't speak to others about them.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer
BrandonVan Mar 3, 2025
Ooo, that sounds a little wicked 😏
I like it. I've taken pictures of my catheter being so full it looks like a pillow too. One of the lpns deleted the pictures on my phone. Luckily she didn't empty the garbage. I will do exactly what you explained! I'm just new to this stuff as I'm pretty young and am here because of an operation gone wrong and left me a paraplegic. Thank you so much for your reply!
You can file a complaint with whatever agency licenses and oversees nursing homes in your state. I'm very sorry you're going through this. Even if there are extra steps and procedures for things like opioids, facility staff should have a system in place. I hope you can get the issue resolved soon!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MG8522

Which pain med are you being prescribed?

What state are you in?

"The law provides that for the treatment of acute pain, a prescription for an opioid drug listed as a Schedule II controlled substance in s. 893.03 or 21 U.S.C. s. 812 may not exceed a 3-day supply, except that up to a 7-day supply may be prescribed if certain conditions are met. The “3-day” and “7-day” applies to the supply of the opioid drug listed as a Schedule II controlled substance, not the number of days after the prescription is written for which it is still valid."

Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777
BrandonVan Mar 3, 2025
Thank you for your reply. I take norco 7.5 3 times a day. I live in Indiana. I've seen the doctors script for 60 pills. Which would be a 20 day supply, but this happens every 10 days. One nurse got fired for taking my pain meds and replacing them with Tylenol because they look the same. I appreciate your reply as I'm young and only been in this NH for a year. Being a paraplegic.
See 1 more reply
@BrandonVan...I am generally not a litigious person but the pressure sore that you developed, the missing medication doses I think would call for a consult with an attorney. If for no other reason than to have a strongly worded letter drafted to the facility and the corporate offices.
The Ombudsman may also help.
Medicare does have a website and complaints can be registered.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to Grandma1954
AlvaDeer Mar 3, 2025
I second Grandma. I am anything but litigious (mostly because it never goes anywhere) but given your history? I am wanting an Ombudsman first, and a way to a pro-bono attorney second. Agree also with the complaints to Medicare. Ask Ombudsman what agency monitors this license to operate, because either of these actions will ding their license. It could be JCAHO (Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation) but if it isn't, they can let you know who DOES monitor their license. You are great online, so research that one. Those that accept Medicare and Medicaid have rules that MUST be followed. It is very dangerous to be given anti anxiety or anti depressants in this manner. Wishing you good luck.
Is the problem the pharmacy they are using? Really, weird its both meds. Even DEA controlled allows 30 days at a time.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29
BrandonVan Mar 3, 2025
I've called the pharmacy (a nurse gave me their number) they said as soon as they get the order they fill it. He also said, he only gets a 10 day supply prescription. This happened after I took them to court for a stage 4 bed wound they just happened to find one day. I'm a paraplegic, so I couldn't feel it. I have everything documented because I text with the DON and administration. They get mad at me because I run out of medication!? Sorry for the life story. I appreciate your answer greatly!
Have you met with the administrator to address the situation? If so, you may need to contact the ombudsman for the facility
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to Daughterof1930
BrandonVan Mar 3, 2025
Thank you for your reply. I have talked to the DON and the administrator. They get mad like it's my fault. But I do it over text so everything is documented. I'll find my omnibudsman. Again, I appreciate your reply!
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