
I am my elderly dads caregiver with whom I live with for the past 12 years and have one older sibling who lives close by but only bothers with him on holidays if that. We are all of the understanding the house is being left to me and my older sibling say's that's fine ,Yet When My Dad got sick and my sibling brought him to the Hospital she told the Nurses not to give me any information she was his caretaker and they just believed her and wouldn't let me in to see my Dad who I have been taken care of for years and then turns around and says it's her house and she needs to be put on his bank account when I have been already on it for years and questioning where I'm getting money to pay bills,ect. We are talking about a sibling both my Dad and I have seen 30 times in ten years. How do I protect myself from this crazy person who has no grip on reality yet is very dangerous with her behavior and refuses to abide by both myself and Dads wishes and refuses to take no for an answer. She is the type of person who steels your wallet and then helps You look for it. My dads 93 and I'm afraid she will insinuate when he passes (God forbid) that I had something to do with it she is the kinda person if the doctor says the passing was natural causes she is the type of person who would say ok and then go to another doctor so we are sure he died from natural causes right. That is how twisted this sibling of mine is so what do I do to protect myself from this monster?

You should keep print copies of your POA documents available so, for example, when she told the hospital not to let you see him you could show them and keep escalating (politely), as necessary. I know this must be incredibly frustrating.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to MG8522

Find a Lawyer ASAP . She is dangerous and can Not be trusted . I Know My sister is Like this . You could become Conservator and file Paperwork . Make sure you have a will , check the deed . A Lawyer can write her a Letter telling her what she will be charged with in Elder abuse . I would get On this Immediately . Your sister is a Vulture .
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Reply to KNance72
lm1212 Mar 1, 2025
Thank You so much will do.
Yes the Will leaves myself the house that's all there is and I have POA documentation.The problem is my sibling is crazy and not trustworthy and the last time my Farther was ill she had him sign papers that he doesn't know what they where about when I was at work. How do I protect myself from a liar?
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to lm1212
KNance72 Mar 1, 2025
Report her behaviour to Adult Protective services and get yourself a therapist so this drama is being documented .
I’d suggest that you separate out things that are just bad personal behavior, and things that are a legal risk to you, your inheritance and your father’s wishes. Go and see a lawyer about the legal risks, but don’t waste your time and money by wanting to talk through ‘nastiness’.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to MargaretMcKen

You say "we are all of the understanding," but what legal standing is in effect? Does your Dad have a valid will that leaves the house to you? Are you listed as his Executor? Has he assigned you his Power of Attorney (financial and medical)? Is he still considered competent, or is he not? Has a POA been activated?
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to MG8522
lm1212 Mar 1, 2025
Yes My Farther has a will leaving myself the house and has made me POA. Knowing all this her actions are dangerous by refusing our wishes and does what she wants and I feel like she can cause real harm to both myself and my father who she only calls once every two to three months and see's on his birthday& a couple other holidays and lives a mile down the road.I have set boundaries with her that she laughs off.
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