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I solved the problem for DH aunt with a commode that was advertised to be able to flush a bucket of golf balls.

Never had the problem again but this was after several expensive plumber calls, a fascination with toilet paper and long stays in the bathroom. A lot of grumbling about being “rushed”. Flooding of the bathroom, etc.
It does help to turn the commode water flow off.

This stage will pass.
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Reply to 97yroldmom

Turn the water off behind the toilet so you can fish out all of the TP before you turn it back on to flush.

or see if he will use a bedside commode. Don’t ask him. Just guide him to it.
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Reply to Bulldog54321

You need closer supervision in the bathroom. When you are not in the bathroom with him/her then the door should be locked. (placing a hook and eye lock up high would be a good option) And this goes for all bathrooms you may have.
Placing a "hat" in the toilet would also keep excess paper or other objects from being flushed.
Placing a commode over the toilet with a "bucket or hat" on it would also do the same.

If the toilet is getting clogged with very firm stool as unappealing as it sounds let it sit for a while it will soften. (been there, done that)
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Grandma1954

Either lock them out or put a motion sensor or a door alarm on the bathroom door so you know when they are in there and can supervise. Another simple thing that can help is to turn off the water or unhook the chain in the back of the toilet so they can't flush the mess and clog the pipes (be sure to flush the last tankful too)
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Reply to cwillie

No, but perhaps you should just have your spouse use a bedside commode where you would then have control over the flushing down of their pee and poop.
My late husband who died with vascular dementia, used a bedside commode for the last 22 months of his life.
You just put about 6-8 inches of water in it, spray a little Poo-Pourri in the water and let your spouse do their thing.
When done you just take it to the toilet and flush it down, and then clean out the container.
Otherwise you may have to escort them to the bathroom each time they go in it and stand watch over them to make sure they don't clog the toilet.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59

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