I do not know what to do to help my mother or what to tell her. Her husband has been in a rehab facility the last 15 days. He is not getting better so they are sending him home.
My mother cannot take care of him. She has a broken arm in 3 places (had surgery on it 2.5 weeks ago) plus I think she has had a stroke or something recently (she is not comprehending things very well).
I was given the advice that she needs to tell everyone UNSAFE DISCHARGE. And all she is told is that her options are for him to go home or be sent to a nursing home (she or I can not afford that).
Here is the thing, he cannot come home now.
He has to go into care.
That care will be self pay if he has funds for it.
Mother will need (with your help) to consult attorney on how to do division of assets as he may not be returning home/able to return home.
If he has assets there will be no way to get free care.
If he doesn't he will have to go on Medicaid. But there simply is no good answer to needing care. When you need care your assets go to pay for your care. And when you have no assets there are programs to apply for aid.
You need now to work with discharge planning.
Coming home is not now an option.
Sorry. I know this is distressing. But we can't change it.
Only the Discharge Planning at the facility can change this.
and in all truth there is no option because he cannot return home.
So the option now is placement and you have to work out how that can be done.
Refer back to your original question and Igloo's answers.
Every facility is required by law to post information about how to contact social services. This would be the route to get help getting him placed on Medicaid.
I am sorry to say it but, here is their crisis that forces change.
Sounds like you need to step in an advocate for both of them, do you have the POA authority to do so?
If not, you should contact the rehabilitation discharge planner and tell them that intervention is needed in this unsafe discharge and they need to contact the state to get the legal ball rolling to get these 2 people the appropriate care they need.