
He has Alzheimer’s and didn’t recognize me as his wife. He thought our sons were boyfriends and would threaten to burn our house down. That’s why he can’t come home, but it hurts me. We’ve been married almost 34 years.

Of course your heart is aching. The man you love and married is no longer the man he is today. And that sucks. Dementia sucks!
You are grieving and rightfully so, and grief doesn't go away for a long time, so be kind to yourself.
You made the right decision to place your husband where you knew he would be safe and taken care of and where you would be safe as well.
Placing a loved one is hard no matter the circumstances, but I hope and pray that you can finally come to terms with the fact that you did what was best for all involved and have peace in your heart about that.
May God bless and keep you as you continue on this difficult journey with your husband.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59

Just because you did your best and made the right decisions to keep your husband safe and cared for doesn’t mean it won’t continue to cause sadness. I’m sorry for both of your pain in this. Life threw you both an unwanted diagnosis and sad circumstance. Limit the time you listen to the requests to come home, they only cause more frustration to you both and don’t help anything. Remind yourself often that you’re still caring for him. I wish you both peace
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Daughterof1930

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