
I have been looking for a good geriatric psychiatrist without any luck for weeks.

Who is the Geriatric Psychiatrist for: you or your LO? Why do you think you or LO needs to see one? If it's for meds, you can work through your primary care physician.
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Reply to Geaton777

Please fill in your profile so that members here on AC can get to know you, where you are located.
If you or your loved one are having an emergency crisis call 911 or a hotline in your area.

Your own doctor should be able to refer you, maybe someone in your insurance plan. A PCP can treat the patient.

Online, Leslie Kernisan M.D. can maybe refer you, she herself is a contributor to the Aging Care forum in the past, and is a geriatric M.D. specialist. She also offers general advice on medications dangerous to the geriatric population.

The Alzheimer's Association, also found online, can maybe help you.

It is a responsible act to be finding help for yourself or loved one when needed.

Please troll around the site here, and maybe post a hello on the
"Caregivers and dysfunctional families" thread. Sometimes, the issue is you are trying to help someone who cannot be helped by you (in some cases).
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Sendhelp

Depend upon your doctor and if any, social worker recommend.
We can't even know the "East Valley of WHAT" as we are from all over the USA and from several other countries as well. We are, like you, only caregivers.
Depend upon your medical team, and wishing you good luck.

"Good" is subjective, remember. One right for your loved one may not be right for me or mine. Again, good luck.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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